Flow & Pressure Testing On Demand
NFPA 14 Standpipe Flow Tests, Hydrostatic Pressure Tests, Trip Tests & Pipe Flushing and Hydrant Testing for Commercial Builders, Fire Protection Firms, Sprinkler Contractors, Engineering Firms, Property Managers & More
Flow and Pressure Testing is a critical function that must be performed on Fire Systems to keep them operational and up to code. Unlike most mechanical systems, sprinklers and standpipes are primarily idle and problems can go undetected without the proper testing.
We are in this business to work hand in hand with Fire Marshals, Contractors and Fire Protection Firms and more to pass these important commercial building tests on demand. We work with tight schedules to make this a seamless and easy process for everyone involved!
We are here to help and a proud member of the AFSA!
Why You May Need Us
The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) administers the process for development of the state building and fire codes; however, the authority to enforce the code, falls under the purview of the local building and fire officials.
The Uniform Statewide Building Code (USBC) has requirements for testing of new fire protection systems and equipment. A copy of the current USBC.
USBC (VCC) Section 905.2 requires all new standpipe systems to be installed in accordance with NFPA 14. The NFPA 14 states that tests be administered by a proper water pump or fire truck.
The Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code (SFPC) also includes
requirements for maintenance of existing fire protection systems
and equipment. SFPC Section 905.2 requires all existing standpipe
systems to be maintained in accordance with NFPA 25 and NFPA 14.
We are available and ready to help contractors and fire protection firms
run and pass these standpipe flow tests on demand as well as pressure
tests, trip tests and flushing.
Contact us today to schedule your testing.

Current Clients
Our Serving Areas
North Carolina
West Virginia
And beyond! Our dedication to service extends far and wide to meet your needs with excellence.
