Our Team


Taylor Pace

Taylor started Flow from one lead sent through his Fire Truck rental company and the rest was history. With that one lead Taylor hit the ground running with this full service flow testing company to help run these tests for clients on demand. He also owns and runs Play RVA, a local fire truck rental and mobile bar company, Taylor Pace Web Development, and Wall Candy Printing, a B2B and B2C printing company.

With a wife, 3 kids and 2 dogs, he's always busy doing something for someone!


Jeff Farmer

Jeff joined the FLOW team after retiring from a 25-year career as a professional firefighter. He has decades of experience as a certified DPO (driver/pump operator.) He is the proud father of two adult daughters and has been happily married since 1992. Jeff's extensive experience will allow him to handle your flow testing needs with the highest level of professionalism.    


Andy Smith

Andy is a multifaceted professional; previous to joining the FLOW team, he was a project manager for a major cell phone company tasked with upgrading cell phone towers. With a very diverse background, he is also a former firefighter with a DPO (Driver / Pump Operator) certification. Andy has successfully performed numerous Stand Pipe Flow tests and has never received a failing report from a Fire Marshal's office. Andy can easily help your company with any Flow Testing needs